Complete Air & Heat, Inc Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Satellite Beach’

Why Is Professional AC Maintenance So Important?

Monday, July 22nd, 2024

It’s easy to think that you can get away without ever scheduling professional maintenance for your air conditioner. After all, if something serious is wrong, the signs will be obvious and you can just schedule service then…right? But unfortunately, AC problems can be largely undetectable until they’re already far along. 

When you prioritize scheduling HVAC service in Satellite Beach, FL annually, you give your AC the best chance at a long and efficient life of keeping your home cool. Keep reading to learn more about exactly what happens during professional HVAC service and why the appointment is so important for your AC.

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3 Signs That Your HVAC Ductwork is in Bad Shape

Monday, June 10th, 2024

Your ductwork plays a major role in how well your air conditioner is able to cool your home down. As we head into the hottest month of summer, you definitely want to make sure that your ductwork is up to the task of helping to keep your home comfortable.

Otherwise, you may be left with high energy bills and a home that is less comfortable than you would like. Just give our team a call to schedule an appointment for duct repair in Satellite Beach, FL. You can also keep reading to learn more about three of the signs that indicate you need to schedule repair service for your ductwork.

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What Do Those AC Noises Mean?

Monday, April 15th, 2024

Is your air conditioner making unusual sounds? If so, something may be wrong inside of the unit. Different sounds can point to different problems and it is important for you to be able to discern when a problem may be serious.

You can keep reading to learn more about five unusual AC noises and what each one might mean. Then give our team a call to schedule your air conditioning repair in Satellite Beach, FL. It’s important to stay ahead of problems so that they don’t lead to a complete AC breakdown.

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Questions to Ask Before Scheduling HVAC Service 

Monday, March 4th, 2024

When you’re ready to schedule any type of HVAC service, from installation to repairs, there are a few questions you should ask before selecting a contractor. These key questions will help you know that you’re making a smart decision about who you are partnering with for your HVAC needs.

Our team is here to help with your HVAC service in Satellite Beach, FL. We encourage you to ask us questions about the services you plan to schedule, our team certifications, and everything in between. You can keep reading to learn more about some of the questions that we suggest you ask any HVAC contractor when you need service.

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Choosing a Heating Contractor in Florida

Monday, January 22nd, 2024

Choosing a heating contractor in Satellite Beach, FL is a lot different than it might be in a more northern state. We just don’t experience cold like those other places do, and our homes are built a lot differently. For instance, much less insulation is required due to the fact that for a majority of the year, temperatures are actually quite comfortable and easy to live with, whereas in other areas heating or air conditioning is practically required through every season.

That being said, a heating contractor is absolutely necessary during the winter, even in Florida. When temperatures dip down, especially during a cold spell, you’ll need a proper heating system to stay warm and cozy. Temperatures can reach the 40s and 50s at night, so you’ll want to make sure your home is a good amount warmer than that.

So, here are a few tips that you can use when it comes to choosing a great heating contractor in Florida.

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3 Tips to Make Furnace Repair Easy

Monday, December 11th, 2023

Furnaces can be essential to your home comfort during the chilly winter nights, but it doesn’t have to be such a difficult experience getting it fixed. Sometimes, customers will wait days, weeks, or even months to call for furnace repair in Satellite Beach, FL just because of the stress that could come from it.

First, we want to say that we understand where this feeling comes from. HVAC contractors in the past have tacked on obnoxious fees, upsold customers on new equipment they don’t need, and sometimes just weren’t as friendly as they could have been. We’re here to change that one customer at a time.

So, we’d like to give you three tips that can help make your next furnace repair a lot easier than it’s been in the past. Hopefully, with these tips in mind, you can call us without any reservations.

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Haven’t Signed Up for Our HVAC Maintenance Program? Now’s a Great Time!

Monday, October 16th, 2023

Fall is the time of year when homeowners schedule their heating systems to prep them for the winter ahead. This often slips people’s attention here in Florida, where our winters are mild. However, we encourage you to see the big picture when it comes to fall maintenance. You’re not arranging for heating maintenance but for HVAC maintenance, and that absolutely does need to be done twice a year. 

The best way to ensure your HVAC system receives the annual attention it needs is to sign up for our HVAC maintenance program in Satellite Beach, FL. When you join our Ultimate Savings Agreement, you’ll not only have the best in regular maintenance tune-ups and inspections, you’ll enjoy other benefits as well. Now is a great time to sign up, because you can quickly have your fall tune-up taken care of.

Need more convincing about our HVAC maintenance program? Okay, let’s talk about the benefits.

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Serious Signs of AC Repair

Monday, October 21st, 2019

Air conditioner repairs can range from minor inefficiencies to catastrophic failures and shutdowns. It can be anxiety-inducing to constantly think that your air conditioner is on the verge of needing serious AC repair in Satellite Beach, FL. Our climate is too hot and too muggy to risk AC failure regularly. That’s why it always pays off to be a vigilant owner of an AC system, because noticing the signs of problems before they become major can save you money and stave off the heat.

However, some problems are harder to notice if you’re not well-acquainted with air conditioning systems. Even the most watchful and careful homeowners can be surprised by air conditioner problems, but our purpose here is to inform you about the more uncommon and hard to notice symptoms of a failing air conditioner.

Give us a call and let us know if any of our helpful AC tips have kept your AC running smoothly, or let us know if you’ve got problems that need fixing. We always love to hear success stories!

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How to Find the Perfect HVAC Service Professional

Monday, August 26th, 2019

We know the road to air conditioning repair, replacement, and installation is often paved with broken promises and constant upselling. If you’ve been burned before, we understand, but not all service professionals have the same code of ethics. It’s important to keep in mind when searching for air conditioning service in Satellite Beach, FL, that you try to match up with a professional that fits your priorities and standards.

Do you have a tight budget? Do you have trouble trusting a professional when they talk to you about technical nonsense? Well, you’re not alone! Below, we’ve put together a list of helpful things to look out for when approaching an HVAC contractor about air conditioning service. This list will make the process of finding the perfect service professional easier.

Care to take a look?

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