Complete Air & Heat, Inc Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Air Conditioning’

Learn More About AC Services We Offer and the Benefits of Each One

Monday, June 24th, 2024

When you partner with an HVAC company, you want to make sure that they can meet all of your heating and cooling needs, big and small. When it comes to HVAC systems, we are a one-stop shop for all of your needs, from maintenance to repairs and even installation.

With summer officially upon us, we’re highlighting our air conditioning service in Rockledge, FL, so that if you need any of them, you can reach out to us and schedule an appointment. Just keep reading to learn more about the air conditioning services we can help you with and why each one is important for your home.

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Pros and Cons of Financing an HVAC Purchase

Monday, May 13th, 2024
HVAC heating and air conditioning residential units or heat pumps

There’s no way around it, investing in a new HVAC system is a major purchase. And if the need for a replacement pops up unexpectedly, you may not be financially prepared to spend the money on a new unit to begin with. In that case, financing is an excellent option.

But there are many other reasons to finance an HVAC system, too. If you’ve been thinking about HVAC financing in Rockledge, FL, give our team a call to talk about your different options. In the meantime, you can keep reading to learn more about the benefits and risks of financing an HVAC purchase.

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HVAC Considerations for Your Four-Legged Companions 

Monday, March 18th, 2024

If you have pets, they can have a major impact on how your HVAC system operates. After all, they are adding pet fur and dander that can get into your HVAC system. But when you keep up with regular homeowner maintenance, it’s easy to lessen the impact of pets on how your air conditioner or heater operates.

When you do need to schedule an appointment for HVAC repair in Rockledge, FL, our team is here to help. You can give us a call for any of your HVAC needs, big or small. You can also keep reading to learn more about the maintenance steps you can take to care for your HVAC system when you have pets.

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Taking the AC Out of Hibernation

Monday, March 6th, 2023

We know that to many of our local customers, their air conditioners never really stopped working. We live in a unique climate, so we’re not talking about several months of hardware hibernation for your air conditioner while we rely on our heating systems. It’s mainly a single month, if at all.

But that being said, keeping your air conditioner off for even a week or longer is going to require some vigilance when you’re preparing to turn it back on. For instance, a bunch of critters could have created a nest in the system, or rocks and debris from the last storm could have become lodged in the vents and it might even require a repair.

Unfortunately, we can’t do anything about your air conditioning in Melbourne, FL unless you do a first pass and give us a call. So here’s a handy checklist with a focus on how you can take your system out of hibernation.

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Two Major AC Trends to Learn About

Monday, June 13th, 2022

It’s important to remember when reading this blog that HVAC technology is just that–technology. Technology is always changing based on scientific research that comes out, as well as customer experience. If regular people don’t like using specific types of technology, then those devices or appliances go out of style very quickly.

So, in order to stay ahead of the curve, we want to talk about two major trends in the air conditioning industry that are likely to affect you in the future. And, we want to talk about how our team is taking these trends head-on with our own service and technology. We won’t let any of our customers be left behind with poorly functioning systems, or units that aren’t as energy efficient as they could be.

Let’s talk about how air conditioning in Melbourne, FL is changing, and what you should be prepared for.

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How to Spot a Refrigerant Leak

Monday, January 24th, 2022

If you suspect a refrigerant leak on your AC unit, you may want to know what to look for. There are heat pumps in Melbourne, FL, that may face the same issues now and then. Here’s how to spot a refrigerant leak and why in some cases, the escaping Refrigerant can be more severe than you might expect.

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7 AC Repairs That Can’t Wait

Monday, April 19th, 2021

Every year when we emerge from springtime into the summer, we depend on our air conditioners to keep us comfortable and sane. It’s no mystery why we talk about repairs so much on this blog: they’re an unavoidable part of being an AC owner and something to take seriously. After all, if you’ve been ignoring an air conditioner problem that causes a sudden breakdown on the hottest day of the year, you’ll be more than just frustrated with yourself.

Foresight is important when it comes to AC repair in Palm Bay, FL. If you suspect that your system will need some help in the coming months, then it’s always better to get it dealt with earlier than later. Problems compound or get caused over time, and we want to help you before you reach that endpoint.

So here are just seven reasons why we think you’ll want to call us for quick and easy AC repair.

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Maintenance, Guarantees, Warranties, and You!

Monday, March 22nd, 2021

Those are a lot of big words. If you’re the kind of homeowner who gets bored after reading a word with more than two syllables, then you’re not alone. The more complicated this industry gets, the harder it becomes to really inform homeowners about the important things to remember. There aren’t any high school classes that teach the basics of HVAC equipment, so it’s up to our team and our blog posts to help get you on the right track.

What should you know about professional HVAC service and maintenance? Why are guarantees and warranties so important in this industry? What should you pay for, and what is ultimately optional?

Those are the perfect questions you should ask if you’re interested in HVAC work, like installing a new air conditioner or investing in maintenance. So, let us be the experts and answer all of them!

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The Benefits of an Air Filter Change

Monday, May 18th, 2020

Air filters are seldom what homeowners think of when they think about their air conditioners. While we wish this weren’t the case, homeowners tend to forget that their HVAC system has an air filter to begin with, which is why these components go so neglected in so many homes.

The problem with this neglect is that air filters are actually a vital component of your comfort systems. So much so that they can actively hurt your air conditioner’s ability to cool your home, raise your bills, and lower the lifespan of your system if they’re neglected.

That’s why we’re writing this blog. Think of it as a subtle reminder to change your air filter as we go into the details about why this is so important. If you’re one of the homeowners who listens to our advice, you could stave off AC repair in Rockledge, FL, and help your system meet comfort goals that make you happy.

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Are You Dealing with a Refrigerant Leak?

Monday, April 20th, 2020

Whether or not you’re positive that you’re dealing with a refrigerant leak, you should always be wary that this could be the root of the problem. If you’re then starting to wonder what these problems could be, then we’d politely like to ask you to keep reading as we’ll get into greater detail below.

Problems occurring in an air conditioning unit can be all over the place, and unless you’re a professional HVAC technician, it can be nearly impossible for a homeowner to tell what the root cause of the issue is. However, giving you some detailed information about causes for problems like a refrigerant leak could help you determine that this isn’t something you should ignore. In fact, if anything below seems remotely familiar, then you should call our team to repair your air conditioning in Rockledge, FL.

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