Complete Air & Heat, Inc Blog: Posts Tagged ‘AC’

What Exactly Is Refrigerant?

Monday, July 10th, 2023

We’re on record to have one of the hottest summers in recent memory, and we’ve already broken a few records. This would be a life-altering event, if it weren’t for your handy AC or heat pump installation in Melbourne, FL that slowly removes the heat from your home and keeps things comfortable. But how exactly does this work?

It’s all thanks to refrigerant, a powerful, man-made chemical that can evaporate and condense with ease. This might sound like a useless superpower, but it’s what allows us to have comfortable indoor temperatures all throughout the country. Refrigerant is the key to cooling, and the more you know about it, the more you’ll be able to be an informed consumer of HVAC products and services in the future.

Let’s discuss refrigerant–what it is and how it works. Then, we promise that as things click in your mind, you’ll know exactly why high-efficiency AC units and heat pumps are so powerful and compelling!

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Ice on Your AC? Here’s What to Do

Monday, October 5th, 2020

Everyone else in the country might be putting their air conditioners away, but we have plenty of hot and humid days ahead of us! We need to focus now on the longevity and efficiency of our air conditioners. Since our cooling systems work longer and harder than others around the country, we need to make sure they’re in good condition to last as long as we want them to.

If you’ve got ice on your air conditioner, there’s a serious problem occurring. The first and most important thing you could call us for is AC repair in Cocoa Beach, FL. We can help you get your air conditioner working without ice forming on the coils.

While you wait for one of our team members to come and help, there are a few things we’d like to talk about. Keep reading as we get into the specifics about why ice forms on an air conditioner and why it’s not good.

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Hear That? Your AC Needs Repair!

Monday, July 27th, 2020

Noises are one of the easiest and most relevant ways for homeowners to tell that their air conditioners are in trouble. After all, you don’t need a license to know when a noise makes you uncomfortable. Air conditioners that don’t sound like they should are recipes for disaster, and luckily we’re the experts on avoiding those disasters.

Today, we’re going to talk about the various noises an air conditioner can make. We’ll divide them up into “good” and “bad” sounding noises. Hopefully, if you notice that your air conditioner is making one of the “bad” noises, you can call our team for Merritt Island AC repairs. We’ll make sure to show up and provide targeted adjustments and repairs that actually fix the problem at hand.

Take note that air conditioners are an investment. The more attention you pay towards your system and its issues, the better off you’ll be in the future.

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The Benefits of an Air Filter Change

Monday, May 18th, 2020

Air filters are seldom what homeowners think of when they think about their air conditioners. While we wish this weren’t the case, homeowners tend to forget that their HVAC system has an air filter to begin with, which is why these components go so neglected in so many homes.

The problem with this neglect is that air filters are actually a vital component of your comfort systems. So much so that they can actively hurt your air conditioner’s ability to cool your home, raise your bills, and lower the lifespan of your system if they’re neglected.

That’s why we’re writing this blog. Think of it as a subtle reminder to change your air filter as we go into the details about why this is so important. If you’re one of the homeowners who listens to our advice, you could stave off AC repair in Rockledge, FL, and help your system meet comfort goals that make you happy.

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Serious Signs of AC Repair

Monday, October 21st, 2019

Air conditioner repairs can range from minor inefficiencies to catastrophic failures and shutdowns. It can be anxiety-inducing to constantly think that your air conditioner is on the verge of needing serious AC repair in Satellite Beach, FL. Our climate is too hot and too muggy to risk AC failure regularly. That’s why it always pays off to be a vigilant owner of an AC system, because noticing the signs of problems before they become major can save you money and stave off the heat.

However, some problems are harder to notice if you’re not well-acquainted with air conditioning systems. Even the most watchful and careful homeowners can be surprised by air conditioner problems, but our purpose here is to inform you about the more uncommon and hard to notice symptoms of a failing air conditioner.

Give us a call and let us know if any of our helpful AC tips have kept your AC running smoothly, or let us know if you’ve got problems that need fixing. We always love to hear success stories!

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