Complete Air & Heat, Inc Blog: Posts Tagged ‘IAQ’

3 Amazing Indoor Air Quality Machines We Can Provide

Monday, March 8th, 2021

Air quality should be a field that everyone’s a little more familiar with after the last year. Whether it’s viruses, bacteria, mold spores, or dust, there are things in your air that need to be removed. It doesn’t matter how frequently you vacuum or how delicately you dust, you’re never going to remove these particles from the air because they’re invisible to the naked eye and get circulated through your HVAC system.

The only proven way to remove contaminants is with one of our indoor air quality systems that specifically target these contaminants and remove them. We offer these kinds of Palm Bay HVAC installations because homeowners are constantly in need of safer, cleaner air—and we can provide that.

Keep reading to pinpoint the system that could be right for your home and the additional benefits that come with it.

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Filters? Air Purifiers? How Do You Choose?

Monday, November 2nd, 2020

Look, we all wish we had the kind of budget that lets us buy one of everything. Indoor air quality services would be a lot easier if we could take a “Noah’s Ark” approach and just buy a little bit of every product in order to make our homes feel more comfortable and safer. The only problem is that money doesn’t grow on trees and we need to work with that.

Today, we’re going to talk about the different kinds of HVAC services in Cocoa Beach, FL that relate to your indoor air quality. Perhaps you’re the kind of homeowner, like many in our area, who can only afford to purchase one major upgrade. What do you choose?

That’s a complicated question with a complicated answer—but we can help you with it. Just keep reading as we get into the differences between air purifiers and air filters, and which one is going to keep you healthy and happy.

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Take Care of Your Air

Monday, July 13th, 2020

Temperatures aren’t the only thing to pay attention to this summer. The quality of your indoor air is one of the most underrated aspects of home comfort that we constantly run into problems with. Think about how many sneezing or coughing homeowners are sitting content in their home because it’s the right temperature thanks to their air conditioner—meanwhile their home is stuffy and full of germs.

Have you thought about investing in air purifiers in Cocoa Beach? If you have but you’re unsure of where to start, we can help. We’re going to go into some details about the benefits these systems provide and what specifically they do to your indoor air that helps so much.

It’s not just about selling a great piece of equipment, it’s about raising awareness for your indoor air and the dangers that mold spores, bacteria, and other germs pose on a day to day basis.

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