Complete Air & Heat, Inc Blog: Archive for March, 2022

How Does a Heat Pump Work?

Monday, March 21st, 2022

The heat pump is a miracle of modern society, allowing us to seamlessly and effortlessly source and distribute air throughout our homes. It’s essential for many, especially during those times of the year when temperatures are extreme and the indoors quickly reflect the blistering heat of the outdoors. In more ways than one, heat pumps are an essential part of home comfort and livability, and are therefore important things to understand in order to use and maintain properly. In this article, we’ll review what a heat pump is, how it works, and what its proper functioning means for the temperatures of your space.

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The Science Behind Poor Air Quality

Monday, March 7th, 2022

Invisible, odorless, and without many tangible characteristics, it’s easy to take the air we breathe for granted. Despite there being evidence for poor air quality being linked to a variety of health concerns, air quality and its implications on wellbeing are often overlooked when it comes to our homes and greater society.

While many people think about air quality in terms of outdoor pollution, it’s just as important to focus on the quality of the air inside our homes and offices. Indoor air pollution is often caused by products we use every day, like cleaning supplies, paints, air fresheners, and building materials.

Through the following, we’ll detail some common contaminants that are likely to be floating around in your space, and why it’s so important to invest in improving your air quality.

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