Complete Air & Heat, Inc Blog: Archive for June, 2021

3 Things to Do Before Choosing a Heat Pump

Monday, June 28th, 2021

We know that summer is basically here, and as the pandemic ends more and more people are starting to spend time and money to make necessary home improvements. Perhaps last year you thought about upgrading to a heat pump but decided to wait until the time was right. Or perhaps you like the idea of a heat pump, but you’re not particularly sure if it would fit your home.

Everyone is coming from a different place and we want to be as understanding about that as possible! That’s why we’d like to approach heat pump installation from a general standpoint.

If you’re in the market for a heat pump system, or you like the idea of heat pumps, then read on as we talk about some things to consider before diving in. Once you’ve really put the thought into it, it should be smooth sailing as long as you choose the right team to perform the task.

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Do I NEED AC Maintenance?

Tuesday, June 1st, 2021

That’s a good question. While we’d like to just say yes and leave it at that, we know that’s probably not good enough for the vast majority of people who read our blog. After all, what’s the point of having a blog if we’re not going to explain our answer?

An AC tune-up in Cocoa Beach, FL isn’t as much of a luxury service as many homeowners think it is. Sure, it feels like a luxury service because you have the option of scheduling it every year, just like you have the option of changing your car’s oil every three thousand miles. You’re not being forced to schedule maintenance, but if you don’t do it, the implications are substantial.

So, to keep things simple, we’re just going to explain why AC maintenance is vital. After our blog post, we think you’ll be certain that AC maintenance is a necessity and we’ll be standing by for your call to schedule an appointment!

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